Research Thread III: Auditory precision medicine: research-based novel intervention methods
The challenge
Hearing support for patients with moderate to profound hearing loss is still inadequate in restoring “normal” hearing. This is due to limitations in the individualized diagnostic and fitting procedures, inadequacies in the functional capabilities of conventional and implantable hearing devices to address the underlying pathophysiology, and limited human-machine interfaces to steer the device according to the individual’s needs.
Our approach
The precision of the auditory diagnostic procedure for patients with hearing loss will be substantially advanced. This will allow for an innovative, precisely individualized rehabilitative treatment, also involving newly developed therapeutic measures.
Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss with respect to the wide variety of the different causes will require the development of novel approaches for extensive and in-depth diagnosis and targeted novel therapy options for precision treatment that supplement the technological and clinical interventions achieved in the first funding period.
Our goal
- determine the patient-specific, functional hearing deficit and offer innovative therapies for individual treatment and prevention strategies in a highly optimized manner.
- to develop diagnostic methods that provide the most relevant information and offer unparalleled precision in selecting the best treatment options, the most accurate prognosis and predicting a valid outcome for each individual patient.

Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr. Thomas Lenarz