On this page you will find a growing directory with information on metadata.
Metadata catalogs
- RDA Metadata Standards Catalog
The RDA Metadata Standards Catalog is a collaborative, open directory of metadata standards for research data. It offers extensive search options and the opportunity to contribute to the directory. - provides a curated, informative and educational resource on data and metadata standards related to databases and data policy.
Metadata standards
- DataCite Metadata Schema
The DataCite Metadata Schema is a list of key metadata properties selected for accurate and consistent identification of a resource for citation and retrieval purposes, along with recommended usage instructions. The Hearing4all Metadata Repository, as an integral part of the future Hearing4all Knowledge Space, will be based on and extend this schema. - Dublin Core
The Dublin Core is a widely used metadata standard that describes the very basic properties of a data set in 15 core fields. It often serves as a starting point for own or extended metadata standards. - NFDI4Health publication policy and Metadata schema
With the publication of the Publication Guidelines and Metadata Schema, NFDI4Health and the NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19 lay the foundation for the standardized collection of metadata of health-related studies and their publication in the German Central Health Study Hub COVID-19. Researchers or research groups who want to make their studies findable and their research data FAIR should meet these requirements. - MII Metadata on data availability, analysis options and collaboration options
The Medical Informatics Initiative Germany has published an initial recommendations for joint use of standardised metadata on data availability, analysis options and collaboration options