Research Data Management- Service
Hearing4all supports all researchers and employees of the Cluster of Excellence on various topics related to research data management in cooperation with the central institutions of the participating universities.
Central services of the Hearing4all office
The office offers support in the form of direct advice and referrals to experts on issues relating to all phases of the data lifecycle.
The Hearing4all research data manager offers support on the central services of the Cluster of Excellence relating to research data management as well as advice on subject-specific questions and requirements (contact information see below).
The Hearing4all Zenodo community is available as a central repository for publications, data and software for first or second publication.
A constantly growing curated link list on topics related to research data management such as data management plans, repositories, metadata but also online training courses is maintained in the Hearing4all RDM-Knowledge Base.
General services of the participating universities
The following links refer to central services of the three universities involved in the Cluster of Excellence, which can help with questions about training courses in the curriculum or universities’ own data and publication repositories and on other topics:
Research Data Management at the Hannover Medical School
Research Data Management at Leibniz University Hannover
Research Data Management at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Contact person