There are various repositories to choose from for the publication of scientific papers, data and software. If an established subject-specific repository exists, this is often the first choice, especially to ensure a high level of visibility in your own community. If this is not the case, an interdisciplinary repository is recommended or – if this is also not possible or desired – a institutional university repository.
Subject-specific Repositories
- is a very comprehensive directory of research data repositories with extensive search functions according to various criteria such as content/topic or data types. The “Metadata Schema for the Description of Research Data Repositories” also developed there is used to describe the repositories. - DFG-White List for Subject-specific Repositories
Based on the quality criteria defined by DINI e.V., the DFG has compiled a list of subject-specific publication platforms that are particularly recommended for the open access publication of project reports. Based on the DFG subject classification system, a broad subject coverage can thus be achieved. - PUBLISSO
PUBLISSO is the open access publication portal for the life sciences operated and hosted by the “Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften” (ZBMED). In addition to the repository, there are numerous advisory services avaiable at ZBMED.
Interdisciplinary Repositories
- Zenodo
Zenodo is an EU-funded, interdisciplinary repository for almost all types of research data except personal data, which assigns DOIs and offers long-term archiving. It is hosted by CERN. A special feature is the linkability with external Github repositories. The Hearing4all Zenodo Community collects publications, data sets and software from Hearing4all projects.
Institutional University Repositories
- Oldenburg Research Data Repository DARE
The research data repository of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg is available to all Oldenburg researchers. - Institutional publication repository of the MHH RepoMed
The “RepoMed” repository already available in the library makes it possible to manage research data according to the FAIR principles. “RepoMed” is the institutional publication repository of the MHH and is operated by the library. - Institutional Repository of the Leibniz University Hannover
The Institutional Repository of Leibniz University Hannover serves the free publication of scientific publications in the sense of Open Access and is open to members and former members of Leibniz University Hannover.