Music & Hearing Health Workshop

06.10.2022 - 07.10.2022

The Music & Hearing Health Workshop will take place on October 6-7, 2022 at Oldenburg University and will provide a forum for the discussion of a broad array of topics around music, hearing, and health. The event aims to yield a state of the art of research on music perception and hearing impairment, hearing aids and music, and health-related individual differences in music perception and production. Two keynotes from distinguished experts, Prof. Deniz Baskent (Groningen) and Prof. Chris Plack (Manchester), will discuss music & hearing health from a wide range of perspectives. Invited speakers will provide in-depth reports about state-of-the-art research into music & hearing health. Poster presentations from external presenters are warmly welcome. The workshop is organized by the href=””>Music Perception & Processing Lab led by Kai Siedenburg at the University of Oldenburg.

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