SoundLab – see with your ears
A mobile learning unit about the sense of hearing
The sense of hearing is the most differentiated of our senses. The SoundLab, a mobile learning unit about the sense of hearing, was developed so that this special sense can be taught impressively in schools and extracurricular learning centres. It enables pupils to have active listening experiences, gain knowledge through independent research-based learning and raise awareness of people with hearing impairments.
The „Innovative Hochschule Jade-Oldenburg!“ project has developed exciting sound installations and memorable experiments for pupils in collaboration with the Cluster of Excellence “Hearing4all” at the University of Oldenburg and the “GfG/Gruppe für Gestaltung” in Bremen.
Information flyer SoundLab (in German).
More information available at the Knowledge Transfer team of the University of Oldenburg.
Photo: Jade Hochschule / Mona Freiberg