This fellowship offers talented and highly-qualified early stage researchers of the cluster »Hearing4all« the opportunity to take the next steps towards an independent research career. It covers a position (E13 TVL) for up to 12 months, thus permitting the recipient to apply for a first research grant including the own position (e.g. DFG) or a fellowship (e.g. EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) to fund a stay in a laboratory abroad for a period of at least 2 years. Recipients will receive the necessary means to conduct pilot experiments for their planned research, as well as coaching by a PI of H4A with respect to grant writing and presentation of the work to a decision-making committee. The fellowship also includes the possibility for a lab visit abroad to extend the personal network and to learn new methods helpful for the future project.
This fellowship is granted once a year to H4A junior members and female early-stage researchers are particularly encouraged to apply.
Requirements for application:
- Excellent publication record (at least 3 publications in international, peer-reviewed journals: one can be submitted, the others must at least be accepted)
- Frequent presentation of work at international conferences
- Proven ability to develop a new and innovative research approach
Application procedure:
Application is possible any time within one year after completion of the doctoral thesis. Please apply by submitting the following documents to
- Completed application form [hier erhältlich]
- Curriculum vitae
- PDF document of doctoral thesis and confirmation of submission
- List of publications and conference papers
- Outline of the proposed project (3 pages max.)
Approval: Recommendation by the Scientific Committee based on the evaluation by an internal and external reviewer. Final decision by the Cluster Board.