Anna Warzybok-Oetjen receives award of the German Society of Audiology


The German Society of Audiology (DGA) has awarded the Meyer-zum-Gottesberge Prize, worth 3,000 euros, to hearing researcher Dr. Anna Warzybok-Oetjen of the University of Oldenburg. The DGA awards the prize to researchers who have published important work in the field of hearing research after earning their doctorate. Warzybok-Oetjen received her doctorate from the University of Oldenburg in 2012 and subsequently worked as a research associate in the Cluster of Excellence “Hearing4all.” Recently, she has been coordinating projects in the Collaborative Research Center Hearing Acoustics, which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and focuses on the fundamentals of speech perception.

Warzybok-Oetjen has helped make recognized German-language tests that researchers use to measure a person’s speech understanding available in other languages. Her work in this field is of fundamental importance for the transferability of test results in one language to the respective other language and makes an important contribution to the internationalization of speech audiology, laudator Prof. Dr. Dr. Birger Kollmeier, head of the Department of Medical Physics at the University of Oldenburg and spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence “Hearing4all,” praised the award winner. “Her international contacts to Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Italy, China, Romania and Brazil, among others, have earned her a reputation as an international bridge builder,” Kollmeier added.

The researcher is also working on modeling the effects of hearing loss. The goal is to use automatic speech recognition to predict which snippets of conversation a person with hearing loss will understand and which will not.

Anna Warzybok-Oetjen has already received several awards, including the Lothar Cremer Prize of the German Society for Acoustics. She now accepted the Meyer-zum-Gottesberge Prize at the DGA annual conference in Erfurt. She is the fourth award winner from the University of Oldenburg

Dr. Anna Warzybok. Foto: Universität Oldenburg