From Researcher to CEO – Shaping the Future of Hearing with Light-Driven Optogenetic Technology


Vortrag von Dr. Daniel Keppeler, OptoGenTech GmbH (in Englischer Sprache)
Deutsches HörZentrum Hannover
21. Januar 2025, 16 Uhr
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Meeting ID: 839 6360 3193
Identification code: 678223

OptoGenTech GmbH is working on restoring hearing with the help of optogenetics. The company is a leader in the integration of light-based stimulation into cochlear implant technology and offers a new approach to the treatment of hearing loss. By combining neuroscience, precision engineering and advanced optical stimulation techniques, OptoGenTech aims to overcome the bottlenecks of existing electrical cochlear implants and provide patients with a new dimension of hearing restoration.