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Ooster J, Porysek Moreta PN, Bach JH, Holube I, Meyer BT
""Computer, Test My Hearing": Accurate Speech Audiometry with Smart Speakers", Interspeech 2019, vol. 2019, p. 4095-4099, 2019
Schwieger J, Gao Z, Lenarz T, Munro G, Petersen KA, Scheper V
"“Of mice and men”: the relevance of Cometin and Erythropoietin origin for its effects on murine spiral ganglion neuron survival and neurite outgrowth in vitro", Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 17, p. 1224463, 2023
Maier H
"[Audiological target parameters in clinical studies with implantable hearing systems].", HNO, 2020
Jacob R, Zokoll MA, Berg D, Meis M
"[Automatic hearing screening for better monitoring of hearing health using the example of the German armed forces].", HNO, vol. 71, p. 386-395, 2023
Brand T, Wagener KC
"[Characteristics, advantages, and limits of matrix tests].", HNO, vol. 65, p. 182-188, 2017
von Gablenz P, Holube I
"[Erratum to: prevalence of deafness in northwestern Germany: results of an epidemiological study on the hearing status (HÖRSTAT)].", HNO, vol. 63, p. 418, 2015
Baljić I, Winkler A, Schmidt T, Holube I
"[Evaluation of the perceptual equivalence of test lists in the Freiburg monosyllabic speech test].", HNO, vol. 64, p. 572-83, 2016
Holube I, von Gablenz P, Schüssler F, Jacob R
"[Hearing test results of 18- to 20-year old men preceding military conscription from 2008-2010].", Laryngo-rhino-otologie, vol. 97, p. 189-198, 2018
Exter M, Winkler A, Holube I
"[Phonemic balance of the Freiburg monosyllabic speech test].", HNO, vol. 64, p. 557-63, 2016
von Gablenz P, Holube I
"[Prevalence of hearing impairment in northwestern Germany. Results of an epidemiological study on hearing status (HÖRSTAT)].", HNO, vol. 63, p. 195-214, 2015
von Gablenz P, Hoffmann E, Holube I
"[Prevalence of hearing loss in Northern and Southern Germany. German version].", HNO, vol. 65, p. 663-670, 2017
Peter MN, Paasche G, Reich U, Lenarz T, Warnecke A
"[Reactions in the organ of Corti to electrical stimulation : StED technology for detecting changes].", HNO, vol. 67, p. 251-257, 2019
Radeloff K, Sandmann P, Klüner C, Radeloff A
"[Rehabilitation with cochlear implants in children with malformations of the inner ear.]", HNO, vol. 72, p. 800-808, 2024
Schulze J, Nolte L, Lyutenski S, Tinne N, Heinemann D, Ripken T, Willaredt MA, Nothwang HG, Lenarz T, Warnecke A
"[Scanning laser optical tomography in a neuropathic mouse model : Visualization of structural changes. German version].", HNO, vol. 67, p. 590-599, 2019
Winkler A, Holube I
"[Test-retest reliability of the Freiburg monosyllabic speech test].", HNO, vol. 64, p. 564-71, 2016
Goykhburg MV, Bakhshinyan VV, Petrova IP, Wazybok A, Kollmeier B, Tavartkiladze G
"[The Russian-language version of the matrix test (RUMatrix) in free field in patients after cochlear implantation in the long term].", Vestnik Otorinolaringologii, vol. 81, p. 42-46, 2016
Boboshko MY, Zhilinskaia EV, Warzybok A, Maltseva NV, Zokoll MA, Kollmeier B
"[The speech audiometry using the matrix sentence test].", Vestnik Otorinolaringologii, vol. 81, p. 40-44, 2016
Vosskuhl J, Strüber D, Herrmann CS
"[Transcranial alternating current stimulation. Entrainment and function control of neuronal networks].", Der Nervenarzt, vol. 86, p. 1516-22, 2015
Schwieger J, Frisch AS, Rau TS, Lenarz T, Hügl S, Scheper V
"3D Printed Cell Culture Chamber for Testing the Effect of Pump-Based Chronic Drug Delivery on Inner Ear Tissue.", Biomolecules, vol. 12, p. 589, 2022
Wang H, Enders A, Preuss J-A, Bahnemann J, Heisterkamp A, Torres-Mapa ML
"3D printed microfluidic lab-on-a-chip device for fiber-based dual beam optical manipulation", Scientific Reports, vol. 11, p. 14584, 2021
Stieghorst J, Bondarenkova A, Burblies N, Behrens P, Doll T
"3D silicone rubber interfaces for individually tailored implants.", Biomedical microdevices, vol. 17, p. 9960, 2015
Brümann K, Doclo S
"3D Single Source Localization Based on Euclidean Distance Matrices", 2022 International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), vol. 2022, p. 1-5, 2022
Riecke L, Formisano E, Herrmann CS, Sack AT
"4-Hz Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Phase Modulates Hearing.", Brain stimulation, vol. 8, p. 777-83, 2015
Matin F, Gao Z, Bronzlik P, Lenarz T, Scheper V
"A 3D printed patient specific artificial outer ear model for use in auricle reconstruction surgery: a clinical feasibility study", Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine, vol. 3, p. 505, 2021
Kuru I, Maier H, Müller M, Lenarz T, Lueth TC
"A 3D-printed functioning anatomical human middle ear model.", Hearing Research, vol. 340, p. 204-213, 2016
Backus B, Adiloğlu K, Herzke T
"A Binaural CI Research Platform for Oticon Medical SP/XP Implants Enabling ITD/ILD and Variable Rate Processing.", Trends in Hearing, vol. 19, 2015
Thiemann J, Müller M, van de Par S
"A binaural hearing aid speech enhancement method maintaining spatial awareness for the user", 2014 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), vol. 22, p. 321 - 325, 2014
Adiloğlu K, Baumgärtel RM, Rennebeck S, Dietz M, Hohmann V
"A Binaural Steering Beamformer System for Enhancing a Moving Speech Source.", Trends in Hearing, vol. 19, 2015
Guan C, Shaikh M, Warnecke A, Vona B, Albert JT
"A burden shared: The evolutionary case for studying human deafness in Drosophila.", Hearing Research, vol. 450, p. 109047, 2024
Ekhtiari H, Ghobadi-Azbari P, Thielscher A, Antal A, Li LM, Shereen AD, Cabral-Calderin Y, Keeser D, Bergmann TO, Jamil A, Violante IR, Almeida J, Meinzer M, Siebner HR, Woods AJ, Stagg CJ, Abend R, Antonenko D, Auer T, Bächinger M, Baeken C, Barron HC, Chase HW, Crinion J, Datta A, Davis MH, Ebrahimi M, Esmaeilpour Z, Falcone B, Fiori V, Ghodratitoostani I, Gilam G, Grabner RH, Greenspan JD, Groen G, Hartwigsen G, Hauser TU, Herrmann CS, Juan CH, Krekelberg B, Lefebvre S, Liew SL, Madsen KH, Mahdavifar-Khayati R, Malmir N, Marangolo P, Martin AK, Meeker TJ, Ardabili HM, Moisa M, Momi D, Mulyana B, Opitz A, Orlov N, Ragert P, Ruff CC, Ruffini G, Ruttorf M, Sangchooli A, Schellhorn K, Schlaug G, Sehm B, Soleimani G, Tavakoli H, Thompson B, Timmann D, Tsuchiyagaito A, Ulrich M, Vosskuhl J, Weinrich CA, Zare-Bidoky M, Zhang X, Zoefel B, Nitsche MA, Bikson M
"A checklist for assessing the methodological quality of concurrent tES-fMRI studies (ContES checklist): a consensus study and statement.", Nature protocols, vol. 17, p. 596-617, 2022
Wang D, Wang H, Fan L, Ludwig T, Wegner A, Stahl F, Harre J, Warnecke A, Zeilinger C
"A Chemical Chaperone Restores Connexin 26 Mutant Activity", ACS Pharmacol. Transl. Sci., vol. 6, p. 997-1005, 2023
Schurzig D, Pietsch M, Erfurt P, Timm ME, Lenarz T, Kral A
"A cochlear scaling model for accurate anatomy evaluation and frequency allocation in cochlear implantation", Hearing Research, vol. 403, p. 108166, 2021
Dietz M, Baumgaertel R
"A Comment on Extent of Sound Image Lateralization: Influence of Measurement Method [Acta Acustica united with Acustica 104 (2018) 748-752 DOI 10.3813/AAA.919215]", Acta Acustica United With Acustica, vol. 105, p. 579 - 579, 2019
Saremi A, Beutelmann R, Dietz M, Ashida G, Kretzberg J, Verhulst S
"A comparative study of seven human cochlear filter models.", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 140, p. 1618, 2016
Stecher HI, Notbohm A, Kasten FH, Herrmann CS
"A Comparison of Closed Loop vs. Fixed Frequency tACS on Modulating Brain Oscillations and Visual Detection.", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 15, p. 661432, 2021
Kipping D, Nogueira W
"A Computational Model of a Single Auditory Nerve Fiber for Electric‑Acoustic Stimulation", Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology: JARO, vol. 23, p. 835-858, 2022
Kipping D, Zhang Y, Nogueira W
"A Computational Model of the Electrically or Acoustically Evoked Compound Action Potential in Cochlear Implant Users with Residual Hearing", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 71, p. 3192-3203, 2024
Alvarez F, Kipping D, Nogueira W
"A computational model to simulate spectral modulation and speech perception experiments of cochlear implant users", Frontiers in neuroinformatics, vol. 17: 934472, p. 1-19., 2023
Gajecki T, Zhang Y, Nogueira W
"A Deep Denoising Sound Coding Strategy for Cochlear Implants", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 70, p. 2700-2709, 2023
Ruigendijk E, Friedmann N
"A Deficit in Movement-Derived Sentences in German-Speaking Hearing-Impaired Children", Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 8, 2017
Kayser H, Anemüller J
"A discriminative learning approach to probabilistic acoustic source localization", 2014 14th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), p. 99 - 103, 2014
Ewert SD
"A filter representation of diffraction at infinite and finite wedges.", JASA Express Letters, vol. 2, p. 092401, 2022
Saak S, Huelsmeier D, Kollmeier B, Buhl M
"A flexible data-driven audiological patient stratification method for deriving auditory profiles", Frontiers in Neurology, vol. 13, p. 959582, 2022
McColgan T, Shah S, Köppl C, Carr C, Wagner H
"A functional circuit model of interaural time difference processing.", JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, vol. 112, p. 2850-64, 2014
Köppl C, Manley GA
"A Functional Perspective on the Evolution of the Cochlea.", Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine, vol. 9, 2019
Gajecki T, Nogueira W
"A Fused Deep Denoising Sound Coding Strategy for Bilateral Cochlear Implants.", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 71, p. 2232-2242, 2024
Grimm G, Kayser H, Hendrikse MME, Hohmann V
"A gaze-based attention model for spatially-aware hearing aids.", Speech Communication - 13th ITG Conference, vol. 13, p. 231-235, 2018
Jukić A, van Waterschoot T, Gerkmann T, Doclo S
"A General Framework for Incorporating Time-Frequency Domain Sparsity in Multichannel Speech Dereverberation", JOURNAL OF THE AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY, vol. 65, p. 17 - 30, 2017
Hadad E, Doclo S, Gannot S
"A generalized binaural MVDR beamformer with interferer relative transfer function preservation", 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), p. 1643 - 1647, 2016
Encke J, Dietz M
"A hemispheric two-channel code accounts for binaural unmasking in humans.", Communications biology, vol. 5, p. 1122, 2022
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