Upcoming Events
- Brain Awareness Week in Oldenburg – evening event on hearing loss in old ageOldenburg, Germany
- 51st Annual Meeting on Acoustics – DAS | DAGA 2025Copenhagen, Denmark
- DGA 27th Annual ConferenceGöttingen, Germany
- ESPCI – European Symposium on Pediatric Cochlear Implantation 2025Hanover, Germany
- Hearing4all Summer School 2025Visselhövede, Germany
- Hearing4all Summer Plenary 2025Visselhövede, Germany
- Hearing4all International Symposium 2025Oldenburg, Germany
Previous Events
- ARO 48th Annual MidWinter MeetingOrlando, Florida, USA
- The OHHR – Publishing Medical Data – Talk at the Love Data Week 2025Online
- From Researcher to CEO – Shaping the Future of Hearing with Light-Driven Optogenetic TechnologyHanover, Germany & online
- Hearing4all Winter Plenary 2025Soltau, Germany
- The Golden Ear ChallengeBremen - Hanover - Oldenburg - Hamburg, Germany
- Hearing4all International Symposium 2024Hanover, Germany
- Humboldt meets LeibnizHanover, Germany
- Machine Learning & Numerics for AcousticsOldenburg
- 26th Hanover Cochlear Implant CongressHanover, Germany
- International Hearing-Aid Research Conference 2024 (IHCON)Lake Tahoe, USA
- Hearing4all Summer School 2024Visselhövede, Germany
- Hearing4all Summer Plenary 2024Visselhövede, Germany
- Night of Hearing 2024Oldenburg, Germany
- Hearing4all International Symposium 2023Oldenburg, Germany
- Hearing4all Summer School 2023Visselhövede, Germany
- Hearing4all Summer Plenary 2023Visselhövede, Germany
- Hearing4all Winterplenary, SoltauThe Winter Plenary will be held in Soltau on January 12 and 13, 2023. More information will follow shortly.
- Music & Hearing Health WorkshopThe Music & Hearing Health Workshop will take place on October 6-7, 2022 at Oldenburg University and will provide a forum for the discussion of a broad array of topics around music, hearing, and health. The event aims to yield a state of the art of research on music perception and hearing impairment, hearing aids […]
- 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA2022)We are pleased to announce the 3rd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA2022), which will take place from June 30th (afternoon) to July 1st, 2022. The focus lies on the applications of computational approaches (big data, machine learning, AI, signal processing) to audiological interventions and hearing science (hearing loss, hearing devices). VCCA2022 will be hosted […]
- Conference announcement: “Hearing and Linguistics” – Hearing4AllWe would like to point your attention to the conference “Hearing and Linguistics”, which will take place from May 13 to 14, 2022 (Friday to Saturday) at Schlaues Haus (Schloßplatz 16) in Oldenburg. The conference is organized by Marcel Schlechtweg, Esther Ruigendijk, Bénédicte Grandon, and Stephanie Kaucke. You are welcome to […]
- Hearing4all Symposium – live & virtualOn 4 and 5 November, the international Hearing4all Symposium will take place as a hybrid event - on site at the Weser-Ems-Hallen in Oldenburg and online via a video conference system.
- H4A Symposium 2021The annual symposium brings together staff from various disciplines to discuss the future of hearing.
- 2nd joint conference on binaural and spatial hearingAn exciting international conference is coming up! For the second time, the Joint Conference on Binaural And Spatial Hearing (BASH) will take place.
- EUHA 2021HörTech und Hörzentrum Oldenburg gGmbH and the Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all will present current research results and user-oriented applications for hearing acoustics and the hearing aid industry at the 65th International Hearing Aid Congress from 15 to 17 September in Hanover.
- Summerschool 2021Organised by the PhD candidates themselves, the summer school is the annual highlight among the JRA activities.
- Hearing and Linguistics” conference announcementThe meeting ''Hearing and Linguistics'' (13./14. May 2022) aims at strengthening and expanding linguistic research in the field of hearing by bringing together researchers who work in this area.
- Hearing4all at the Hannover Messe – Digital EditionExperience the virtual hearing clinic at Hannover Messe 2021!
- Hearing Day – tips and information about the earDigital information event on Hearing Day! Experts from the Hanover Medical School answer questions about hearing.
- Workshop “Hot Topics in Hearing and NeuroscienceWorkshop “Hot Topics in Hearing and Neuroscience Where are we and where will we go (together)?”
- H4A-Winter Plenary2021 the Winterplenary will be realised as an online conference.